I think by trying to defend our status as Christians, Mormons are accepting the evangelicals' self-assumed right that only they may judge who is or who is not a Christian. Since that right isn't mine to surrender, I'll succinctly state our belief on the issue below, and let Christ himself judge. I believe he has earned the right.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God and THE anointed savior for all mankind. With the fall of Adam, physical death and disobedience to God's guidance created a breach between God and man. It is only through Christ's infinite atonement, and by obedience to his word, that the breach between God and man can be closed. There is no other being, including ourselves, that can save us.
So are we Christian? That's really up to Him.
I've read a lot of interesting things about Mormons over the years, but during this presidential campaign it's gotten worse than usual. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe some interesting things. This blog will examine some of those beliefs (from an insider's perspective).
The purpose of this blog is to clarify some of the misconceptions floating around and to provide a context for the beliefs and events related to the Mormon Church. I won't proselytize or go into depth. There are plenty of other sources for that. This is simply meant to be a brief response to what I am seeing in the media. If you have suggestions for questions please drop me a line.
The purpose of this blog is to clarify some of the misconceptions floating around and to provide a context for the beliefs and events related to the Mormon Church. I won't proselytize or go into depth. There are plenty of other sources for that. This is simply meant to be a brief response to what I am seeing in the media. If you have suggestions for questions please drop me a line.